Press Release

September 29, 2014 Press Release [Families for Excellent Schools] Don't Steal Possible

FES launches Multiweek TV Ad Campaign

New York, NY – A new advertising campaign by Families for Excellent Schools starting Monday portrays a stark reality: the city’s failing schools crisis has an immediate, heartbreaking impact on children. Ahead of Thursday's rally in Foley Square, where more than 5,000 parents are expected to be in attendance, Families for Excellent Schools will launch television ads airing on WABC, WCBS, WNBC, WPIX, and NY1 starting tomorrow, and digital content in wide release. The ads, which build on the deep concern that parents have expressed over the city's persistently failing schools, portray what is at stake for children if schools continue to fail them. Read More
September 25, 2014 Press Release [Families for Excellent Schools] Don't Steal Possible

Marcos Crespo Unveils Community Mural in Bronx

Bronx, NY – On Thursday, Assemblyman Marcos Crespo and parent advocacy group Families for Excellent Schools unveiled a community mural in the Bronx as part of a broad grassroots movement to push for a solution to the persistent failure of New York City’s schools. The mural, painted by graffiti artists from acclaimed, Bronx-based Tats Cru group, is part of a larger effort by the Coalition for Education Equality to ensure that no child is forced to attend a failing school. The unveiling of Thursday’s mural adds growing momentum ahead of a rally on the courthouse steps of Foley Square on October 2nd, expected to be attended by thousands of parents from district and charter school families. Read More
September 24, 2014 Press Release [Families for Excellent Schools] Don't Steal Possible

Oct 2 Rally Details

New York, NY – On Wednesday morning, the Coalition for Education Equality announced a broad-bases effort to end the persistent failure in New York City's public schools and marked October 2nd as the date of a highly anticipated rally for education equality in Foley Square, with thousands of district and charter school parents expected to attend. Flanked by the city and state's most historic and iconic houses of justice, the rally will draw attention to the inequalities of New York City's education crisis that leaves hundreds of thousands of children without the skills and knowledge to succeed in life. Turnout is expected to be 5,000 strong, according to the Coalition for Education Equality, an umbrella group representing families of children in charter and district schools. Read More
September 3, 2014 Press Release [Families for Excellent Schools] Don't Steal Possible

New Campaign for Education Equality

New York, NY – The Coalition for Education Equality announced the launch of a new campaign to combat educational inequality in New York City on Wednesday morning. The campaign, animated by the depth and breadth of a crisis that has trapped 143,000 students in persistently failing schools, will feature a major parent rally in New York City in October. Read More